
Pricing can be found in the Parent Portal. 

Sibling Discount: 10% 
2nd class: 50% off second class

An additional fee of 10.00 will be applied on the 28th if tuition is not received by the 27th

After registration, we will hold your spot in class, unless our office is notified prior to the next billing date. This is done one of the following ways:

*If payment is not received, payment will still be charged to account and the student will be dropped from their class at the conclusion of the month,


If FREMONT PUBLIC SCHOOLS are closed, we will be closed until 3:00pm, due to weather conditions

    • EVENING CLASSES will be evaluated with the possibility of us re-opening for evening classes!
    • We will update you through email, our website, Facebook, answering machine, and WZZM13
    • Recreational and Pre-School Classes: Please schedule a Make-Up class through the parent portal, email or feel free to call! *Students may not reschedule a class if there is 5 weeks in the month, due to our prices being based on 4 weeks
    • TEAM: Due to the additional weeks team receives, at no charge throughout the year, Team will not receive a make-up class.

      Prices are based on a 4 Week Monthly Tuition, there is no additional charge for 5 week months. Payment is due on/before the 27th of every month for the upcoming month


There is a $40.00 annual fee per child or $65.00 per family upon initial sign up. This fee will need to be renewed by active members on the last Friday of August each year.


  • NPG offers Make-Up classes for recreational & preschool children to ensure that they receive their 4th week of tuition for the month classes
  • Preschool & Recreational students are allowed ONE make-up per month due to illness, or other circumstance. If a long term illness/sickness arises, please contact us.
  • If your child received their four weeks, they will not receive a make-up class.

    New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.

  • Covid 19 Waiver     
  • Special Events Liability (1)