
Phone: (231)335-2325
Email: underthesuncc@gmail.com
124 S. Stewart St, Fremont, Michigan


Music Movement Art language building

We believe that good childcare depends upon consistent caregiving in a caring, genuine, kind atmosphere. We believe children grow and learn in a safe environment that provides opportunities to explore, create and communicate with other children and adults. These groups function independently but cooperatively, following routines appropriate to individual and developmental needs. The program is designed to be inclusive and beneficial for all children involved.

The Center’s program is designed to include both planned and spontaneous activities in response to children’s interests. Experiences with music, movement, art, language and building are incorporated into daily plans. Regularly scheduled snacks and meals, rest time, indoor and outdoor play, and routines in physical caregiving can promote children’s health, comfort and ability to grow. There is maximum flexibility for the children as a group and as individuals.

Children are encouraged to develop a positive self-image, to learn inner controls and to cooperate with peers and caregivers. Clearly defined limits help them recognize and accept their emotions and express their feelings as they grow and feel secure in the world around them.



Typical Daily Routine Includes:
6:30-7:30        Arrival Time- Free Play, Breakfast, Large Center Play
7:30-8:30        Manipulatives, Free Art
8:30-9:00        Clean Up Time & Bathrooms – Groups Separate
9:00-9:30        Circle Time – Music & Movement
9:30-10:00      Snack & Clean Up/Bathrooms
10:00-10:30    Small Group- Thematic Lesson Plans
10:30-11:15    Directed Free Play
11:15-12:00    Gross Motor Enrichment Rotations/ Outdoor Play
** In addition to outside time – NorthPointe Gymnastics, Library, Parks, Walks, and more
12:00-12:30    Lunch & Clean Up/Bathrooms
12:30-1:00      Calming Time- Story/Movie/Backrubs
1:00-2:30        Rest Time
                        (Quiet Activities for non-sleepers @ 2:00)
2:30-3:00        Wake Up- Gentle Music- Small Group
3:00-3:30        Snack & Clean Up/Bathrooms
3:30-4:30        Gross Motor Enrichment Rotations
4:30-6:00        Combine Groups – Free Play – Departure
** Infants & Tiny Tots are eat & sleep on demand; therefore, our daily schedule is flexible for their individual needs.
** ALL age groups are curriculum based and consider the WHOLE CHILD in creative lesson planning.

Receive Updates Throughout the Day

For more information and to apply for childcare & Job openings Please send us an email at: underthesuncc@gmail.com

We are excited to introduce you to new technology that will enable you, our center, and our teachers to be connected in real time through mobile devices and via web throughout the day, anytime, and from anywhere. We are going to start using SmartCare as our management software and want to make sure you understand what this means to you.   
Below are some of the features we are most excited about and wanted to share with you.

  • Sign in and out through a kiosk or mobile device with a convenient QR Code, or teachers will now be able to sign your child in when they are dropped off in the classroom
  • Receive journal updates on your child throughout the day (photos, milestones, meals, and more)
  • Update child and parent information, change your schedule, and view your account all through the mobile app
  • Manage your tuition. Pay with a credit card or have payments automatically debited from your checking account all through the mobile app
  • Ability to send real time feedback to the center

124 S. Stewart St,
Fremont, MI 49412

Contact Under The Sun